Curriculum vitae
1- MARE- Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre. Quinta do Lorde Marina, Sítio da Piedade, 9200-044 Caniçal, Madeira, Portugal

2011 - 2014 PhD in Marine Sciences. Climate Change & Invasion Ecology at the University of Vigo, Spain.
Advisor: Dr. Celia Olabarria, Dr. Francisco Arenas
2008 - 2010 MSc. Marine Biology by the University of Vigo, Spain.
Advisor: Dr. Celia Olabarria, Dr. Jesus S. Troncoso.
2003 - 2008 "Degree in Marine Biology". Faculty of Biology. University of Santiago de Compostela.
2014 Postdoctoral stay in public institution, UMR 5119 (ECOSYM laboratory) at the University of Montpellier 2. Montpellier, France.
2011 - 2014 Research staff biologist. EZ1 Research Group. Department of Ecology and Animal Biology, Faculty of Sciences. University of Vigo.
Advisor: Dr. Celia Olabarria
2012 Doctorate stay in public institution, CIIMAR - Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research. Porto, Portugal.
2009 - 2010 Fellowship training at the Marine Science Station Toralla (ECIMAT), University of Vigo. Toralla Island.
2008 - 2009 Research staff biologist for the development of "Study of macroalgae and associated epifaunal invertebrate communities: species native vs. invasive species. EZ1 Research Group. Department of Ecology and Animal Biology. Faculty of Sciences. University of Vigo.
Advisor. Dr. Celia Olabarria
2008 Aquaculture assistant Insuíña SL - Chapela.
2007 - 2008 Collaboration Grant 2007/2008, Aquarium Finisterrae (A Coruña).
2007 Internship in Department of Biology and Fish Larval Physiology of the Institute of Marine Research (CSIC), Vigo. (185 hours).
2006 Aquarist in ZooAquarium in Madrid.
2004 - 2006 Specialist Technician in the Department of Ecology and Animal Biology, Faculty of Sciences (EZ1 Research Group). University of Vigo.
2004 Campaign “Porcupine 09/04" Conducted by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography. Having remained on board as a scientist aboard the research vessel "Vizconde de Eza", from 5 September to 7 October.
2004 "FCT - ZooAquarium Madrid" (440 hours). Hippocampus farming experience.
2013 - 2014 Environmental Impact Assessment in the degree in Biology at the University of Vigo.
2013 Ecosystems Ecology and Conservation Ecology (10 hours) in the degree in Biology at the University of Vigo.
2012 Marine Ecology in the degree in Marine Sciences at the University of Vigo.
Peer Reviewed:
Ramalhosa, P., I. Gestoso, B. Duarte, I. Caçador & J. Canning-Clode (2019) Metal pollution affects both native and non-indigenous biofouling recruitment in a subtropical island system. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 141, 373-386. DOI:
Riera L, Ramalhosa P, Canning-Clode J, Gestoso I,. (2018). Variability in the settlement of non-indigenous species in benthic communities from an oceanic island. Helgoland Marine Research 72:15 DOI:
Gestoso, I., Ramalhosa, P. and Canning-Clode, J. (2018) Biotic effects during the settlement process of non-indigenous species in marine benthic communities. Aquatic Invasions. Volume 13, Issue 2: 247–259 DOI:
Babarro, J.M.F., Abad, M.J., Gestoso, I. et al. (2018). Susceptibility of two co-existing mytilid species to simulated predation under projected climate change conditions. Hydrobiologia 807: 247
Ramalhosa P, Nebra A, Gestoso I and Canning-Clode J. (2017). First record of the non-indigenous isopods (Holmes, 1904) and Stebbing, 1905 (Isopoda, Sphaeromatidae) for Madeira Island. Crustaceana. DOI:
Gestoso I, Ramalhosa P, Oliveira P, Canning-Clode J. (2017) Marine protected communities against biological invasions: A case study from an offshore island. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Olabarria C, Gestoso I, Lima FP, Vázquez E, Comeau LA, et al. (2016) Response of Two Mytilids to a Heatwave: The Complex Interplay of Physiology, Behaviour and Ecological Interactions. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0164330. doi: 101371/journal.pone.0164330.
Gestoso, I., Arenas, F., & Olabarria, C. Ecological interactions modulate responses of two intertidal mussel species to changes in temperature and pH. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (accepted).
Gestoso, I., Arenas, F., & Olabarria, C. 2014. Biotic resistance and facilitation of a non-indigenous mussel over an environmental gradient. Marine Ecology Progress Series 506:163-173.
Gestoso, I., Arenas, F., Rubal, M., Veiga, P., Peña, M., & Olabarria, C. 2013. Shifts from native to non-indigenous mussels: Enhanced habitat complexity and its effects onfaunal assemblages, Marine Environmental Research, 90: 85-95.
Cacabelos, E., Olabarria, C., Viejo, R. M., Rubal, M., Veiga, P., Incera, M., Gestoso, I., Vaz-Pinto, F., Mejia, A., Engelen, A. H., Arenas, F. 2013. Invasion of Sargassum muticum in intertidal rockpools: Patterns along the Atlantic Iberian Peninsula. Marine Environmental Research, 90: 18-26.
Vaz-Pinto, F., Olabarria, C., Gestoso, I., Cacabelos, E., Incera, M., Arenas, F. 2013. Functional diversity and climate change: effects on the invasibility of macroalgal assemblages. Biological invasions.
Olabarria, C., Arenas, F., Viejo, R.M., Gestoso, I., Vaz-Pinto, F., Incera, M., Rubal, M., Cacabelos, E., Veiga, P., & Sobrino, C. 2012. Response of macroalgal assemblages from rockpools to climate change: effects of persistent increase in temperature and CO2. Oikos. DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2012.20825.x
Gestoso, I., Olabarria, C., Troncoso, J.S. 2012. Selection of habitat by a marine amphipod. Marine Ecology, 35: 103-110
Gestoso, I., Olabarria, C., & Arenas, F. 2012. The invasive mussel Xenostrobus securis along the Galician coast (NW Spain): status of invasion. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 53: 391-396.
Gestoso, I., Olabarria, C., Troncoso, J.S. 2012. Effects of macroalgal identity on epifaunal assemblages: native species versus the invasive species Sargassum muticum. Helgoland Marine Research, 66: 159-166.
Gestoso, I., Olabarria, C., Cacabelos, E., Incera M., &Troncoso, J.S. Preference behaviour in hábitat selection of a marine amphipod. 45th European Marine Biology Symposium. August, 2010, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Gestoso I, Arenas F, Olabarria C (2015) Feeding behaviour of an intertidal snail: Does past environmental affect predator choices and preys vulnerability? Journal of Sea Research, 97:66-74
Arenas, F, Olabarria, C, Viejo, R, Rubal, M, Veiga, P, Incera, M, Vaz-Pinto, F, Cacabelos, E, Gestoso, I, Sobrino, C. 2011. Impact & feedbacks of invasion and climate change on algal assemblages: experimental approaches. European Journal of Phycology, 46(S1): 47.
Cacabelos, E., Gestoso, I. 2010. Preferencia de Hábitat y alimento en invertebrados marinos: técnicas experimentales en laboratorio. In: Olabarria et al. Métodos y técnicas en investigación marina. Editorial Tecnos (Grupo Anaya). Madrid.
Gestoso, I., Olabarria, C., Troncoso, J.S. 2010. Variability of epifaunal assemblages associated with native and invasive macroalgae. Marine Freshwater Research, 61: 724-731.
Papers submitted or in review
Gestoso, I., Ramalhosa, P., Canning-Clode, J. Biotic effects during the settlement process of non-indigenous species in marine benthic communities. Aquatic Invasions.
Gestoso I. (2014) The invasion proccess of the non-indigenous mussel Xenostrobus securis (Lamarck, 1819): spread, impacts and the role of climate change. PhD Thesis. University of Vigo. Vigo, Spain.
Gestoso, I. (2010). Preference of habitat by marine invertebrates. Faculty of Marine Sciences, University of Vigo, Spain.