Curriculum vitae
1- MARE- Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre. Quinta do Lorde Marina, Sítio da Piedade, Caniçal, 9200-044 Madeira, Portugal

2014: Ph.D. in Marine Sciences - Marine Ecology. University of the Azores, Portugal.
Advisors: Dr. Ricardo S. Santos (University of the Azores); Dr. Todd LaJeunesse (Pennsylvania State University.); Dr. Manfred Kaufmann (CIIMAR)
2007: PADI Open Water Scuba Insctructor. Nautilus Sub
2004: Licenciatura Biology (Marine Biology Specialty). University of the Azores, Portugal.
Advisor: Dr. Joao Gil Pereira
2015 - 2016: Independent Research Fellow - Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation.
2014 - 2015: Regional Principal Investigator for SEAPROLIF Project at IMAR / Department of Oceanography and Fisheries, University of the Azores, Portugal.
2012 - 2015: Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation Research Fellow at Centro do IMAR, Universidade dos Açores, Portugal.
2011 - 2012: Biologist - Field Team Coordinator at IMAR/DOP / Department of Oceanography and Fisheries, University of the Azores, Portugal.
2008 - 2010: Biologist - Visiting Scholar, Department of Biology at Pennsylvania State University, USA.
2009: Biologist (consultant) at Government Environmental Services, Cabo Verde.
2007 - 2011: FCT Ph. D. Scholar at Centro do IMAR , Universidade dos Açores, Portugal.
2005 - 2006: Biologist at Estação de Biologia Marinha do Funchal (Marine Biology Station of Funchal). Field work and ecological assessment, species identification an data analysis on the characterization of future Marine Protected Area. Funchal, Portugal.
Peer Reviewed:
M. Rakka, C. Orejas, I. Sampaio, J. Monteiro, H. Parra and Carreiro-Silva M. (2016) Reproductive biology of the black coral Antipathella wollastoni (Cnidaria: Antipatharia) in the Azores (NE Atlantic), Deep Sea Research Part II Topical Studies in Oceanography.
Iliana B Baums, Meghann Devlin-Durante, Beatrice Aren Ajeng Laing, Joshua Feingold, Tyler Smith, Andrew Bruckner and João Monteiro (2014) Marginal coral populations: the densest known aggregation of Pocillopora in the Galápagos Archipelago is of asexual origin. Frontiers of Marine Science.
J. G. Monteiro, C. F. Costa, K. Gorlach-Lira, W. K. Fitt, S. S. Stefanni, R. Sassi, R. S. Santos, and T. C.LaJeunesse (2013) Ecological and biogeographic implications of Siderastrea symbiotic relationship with Symbiodinium sp. C46 in Sal Island (Cape Verde, East Atlantic Ocean). Marine Biodiversity 43:261-272DOI10.1007/s12526-013-0153-8.
J. Monteiro, C. Almeida, R. Freitas, A. Delgado, F. Porteiro, R. S. Santos (2009) Coral assemblages of Cabo Verde: preliminary assessment and description. 11 th International Coral Reefs Symposium Proceedings.
Communications in scientific meetings
J. Monteiro, C. Almeida, R. Freitas, A. Delgado, F. Porteiro, RS Santos (2008) Coral assemblages of Cabo Verde: Preliminary assessment and description. 11 th International Coral Reefs Symposium (poster).
Monteiro, J, RS Sanos (2010). Biotope characterization of coral communities in the south coast of Sal Island, Cabo Verde (North Atlantic). 39th Benthic Ecology Meeting (oral com.)
Monteiro, JG, Stefanni S, Kaufmann, M, Santos, RS, & Lajeunesse, T (2011) Ecological and biogeographical implications of Siderastrea symbiotic relation with Symbiodinium sp. C46 in Sal Island (Cabo Verde, East Atlantic Ocean). World Conference of Marince Biodiversity 2011 Aberdeen (oral com.)
Monteiro, JG, Fontes, J, Pereira JN & Santos RS. (2011) Controlling Caulerpa webbiana (Caulerpales, Cholorophyta) invasion in Faial Is. (Azores, North Atlantic). World Conference of Marince Biodiversity 2011 Aberdeen (digital object)
J. Monteiro, P. Parretti, T. Amaro, R.S. Santos, R. Danovaro. Microbial diversity and ecosystem functioning of deep-sediments associated to the Condor seamount (Azores, NE Atlantic). World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, 26-30 September 2011, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. (oral com.)
Bruckner A, Coward G, Mayfield A and Monteiro J (2016) Implementation of the Holistic Approach to Reef Protection (HARP) Program in Dhigu (South Malé Atoll) and Kihavah (Baa Atoll), Maldives: Phase I
Chapter Books
F. Cardigos, J. Monteiro, J. Fontes, P. Parretti and Ricardo Serrão Santos: Fighting invasions in the marine realm, a case study with Caulerpa webbiana proliferation in the Azores. In Canning-Clode J (Ed), Biological Invasions in Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems: Ecological Impacts, Predictions and Management. De Gruyter Open. ISBN: 978-3-11-043866-6.
Monteiro, J.G., Porteiro, F.M., Matos, V. (2010) Cnidaria (Anthozoa). In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P., Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 301-302, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp.
Porteiro F.M., Menezes, G.M., Afonso, P., Monteiro J.G., Santos, R.S. (2010) Marine fisch (Chondrichthyes, Actinopterygii). In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P., Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 301-302, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp.
Books / Edited Works
Araújo, R., Freitas, M., Monteiro, J., (2007) Guia Ilustrado do Eco-Parque Marinho do Funchal. Museu Municipal de Historia Natural, CM Funchal.
Monteiro, J.G. (2014). Ecological assessment and diversity of coral and their endosymbiotic dinoflagellates Symbiodinium spp. in Cabo Verde. PhD thesis (Doctorate in Marine Sciences, specialty in Marine Ecology), University of the Azores, Portugal.
Monteiro, J.G. 2004. Estudo preliminar de discriminação de stocks de chicharro (Trachurus picturatus). Licenciatura thesis. University of the Azores, Portugal.