Nuno Castro
1- MARE- Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre. Quinta do Lorde, Sítio da Piedade, 9200-044 Caniçal, Madeira, Portugal

Curriculum vitae
2006 - 2008: Msc. on Fisheries and Aquaculture (Pre-Bologna). Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon.
Advisor: Prof. Isabel Domingos (FCUL/MARE UL) and PhD. Maria Manuel Angélico (IPMA)
2001 - 2006: Degree in Marine Biology and Biotechnology (4 years - Pre-Bologna). School of Tourism and Maritime Technology of the Polytechnic of Leiria (ESTM/IPleiria)
August 2015 to December 2016: Research Grant - Project "Live bait". MARE - Marine and Environmental Science Centre, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.
January 2015 to July 2015: Research Grant - Project "PROMIRA". MARE - Marine and Environmental Science Centre, Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon.
June 2014 to August 2014: Research Grant - Project "Use of Hydroelectric Ribeiradio-Ermida". Centre of Oceanography (CO); Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.
July 2011 to August 2014: Research Grant - Project "PROTECT - Marine Scientific Research for the Protection of the Alentejo Coast". Marine Laboratory of Évora University (CIEMAR).
January 2011 to June 2011: Research Grant - Project "Charcterization and enhancement of the Bay of Seixal". Centre of Oceanography (CO); Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.
April 2009 to December 2010: Research Grant - Project "RECONNECT". Centre of Oceanography (CO); Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisbon, Portugal.
Peer Reviewed
Pereira TJ, Silva AF, de Almeida PR, Belo AF, Costa JL, Castro N, Quintella BR (2017) Assessing the size adequacy of a small no-take marine protected area (MPA) for Mediterranean moray and European conger. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 584:213-227.
E. Sá, P. Fidalgo e Costa, L.C. Fonseca, A. Alves, N. Castro, S. Cabral, P. Chaínho, J. Canning-Clode, P. Melo, A. Pombo & J. L. Costa, (2017). Trade of live bait in Portugal and risks of introduction of non-indigenous species associated to importation. Ocean & Coastal Management, 146: 121–128.
T.J. Pereira, J. Manique, B.R. Quintella, N. Castro, P.R. Almeida, J.L. Costa, (2017). Changes in trophic ecology of fish assemblages after no take Marine Protected Area designation in the southwestern coast of Portugal. Ocean & Coastal Management, 137: 144-153. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.12.019.
T.J. Pereira, J. Manique, B.R. Quintella, N. Castro, P.R. Almeida, J.L. Costa, (2017). Changes in fish assemblage structure after implementation of Marine Protected Areas in the southwestern coast of Portugal. Ocean & Coastal Management, 135: 103-112. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.11.017.
N. Castro, P.M. Félix, J.M. Neto, H. Cabral, J.C. Marques, M. J. Cost, J.L. Costa, (2016). “Fish communities' response to implementation of restoring measures in a highly artificialized estuary”. Ecology Indicators 67: 743-752. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.03.040.
A.F. Belo, T.J. Pereira, B.R Quintella, N. Castro, J.L Costa, P. Raposo de Almeida, (2016). “Movements of Diplodus sargus (Sparidae) within a Portuguese coastal Marine Protected Area: are they really protected?”. Marine Environmental Research. doi:10.1016/ j.marenvres.2016.01.004.
S. Pedro, B. Duarte, N. Castro, P.R. Almeida, I. Caçador, J.L. Costa, (2014). “The Lusitanian Toadfish as biomonitor of estuarine sediment metal burden: the influence of gender and reproductive metabolism”. Ecological Indicators 48: 370-379. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.08.041.
N. Castro, J.L. Costa, I. Domingos & M.M. Angélico, (2013). “Trophic ecology of a coastal fish assemblage in Portuguese coastal waters”. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 93(5): 1151-1161. doi:10.1017/S0025315412001853.
H. Cabral, V. Fonseca, R. Gamito, C. Gonçalves, J.L. Costa, K. Erzini, J. Gonçalves, J. Martins, L. Leite, J.P. Andrade, S. Ramos, A. Bordalo, E. Amorim, J. Neto, J.C. Marques, J.E. Rebelo, C. Silva, N. Castro, P.R. Almeida, I. Domingos, L.S. Gordo & M.J. Costa, (2012). “Ecological quality assessment of transitional waters based on fish assemblages in Portuguese estuaries: The Estuarine Fish Assessment Index (EFAI)”. Ecological Indicators 19: 144-153. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.08.005.
C.I. Gonçalves, R. Gamito, V.F. Fonseca, J.L. Costa, H.N. Cabral, K. Erzini, J. Gonçalves, J. Martins, L. Leite, J.P. Andrade, S. Ramos, A. Bordalo, E. Amorim, J.M. Neto, J.C. Marques, N. Castro & M.J. Costa, (2012). “Testing the robustness of the Estuarine Fish Assessment Index (EFAI) applying different water bodies”. Ecological Indicators 20: 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2012.02.001.
I. Caçador, J.L. Costa, B. Duarte, G. Silva, J.P. Medeiros, C. Azeda, N. Castro, J. Freitas, H. Cabral & M.J. Costa, (2012). “Heavy metal contamination in the different biological elements of the Seixal Bay (Tagus estuary) as indicator of water and sediment quality”. Ecological Indicators 19: 184-190. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.09.007.
Book Chapters
P. Fidalgo e Costa, E. Sá, A. Alves, S. Cabral, N. Castro, D. Picard, J. Castro, L.C. Fonseca, P. Chainho, J. Canning-Clode, A. Pombo & J.L. Costa. Anelídeos poliquetas como isco vivo: caracterização da atividade de apanha em ambientes salobros costeiros portuguese. In: Entre Rios e Mares: um Património de Ambientes, História e Saberes - Tomo V da Rede BrasPor. Editors: L.C. da Fonseca, A.C. Garcia, S.D. Pereira, M. Antonieta and C. Rodrigues, pp.33 – 43. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31196.80008
Other Publications
S. Cabral, A. Alves, N. Castro, P. Fidalgo e Costa, E. Sá, J. Castro, L.C. Fonseca, P. Chainho, J. Canning-Clode, D. Picard D, A. Pombo & J.L. Costa, (2016). “Polychaete annelids as live bait in Portugal: harvesting activity in estuarine systems”. Front. Mar. Sci. Conference Abstract: IMMR | International Meeting on Marine Research 2016. doi: 10.3389/conf.FMARS.2016.04.00111.
E. Sá, P. Fonseca e Costa, L.C. Fonseca, A.S. Alves, N. Castro, N., S. Cabral, P. Chainho, J. Canning-Clode, P. Melo, A. Pombo, & J.L. Costa, (2016). “Is bait worms’ importation an introduction vector for non-indigenous species in Portugal?”. Front. Mar. Sci. Conference Abstract: IMMR | International Meeting on Marine Research 2016. doi: 10.3389/conf.FMARS.2016.04.00079.
S. Cabral, A. Alves, N. Castro, P. Fidalgo e Costa, E. Sá, J. Castro, L.C. Fonseca, P. Chainho, J. Canning-Clode, D. Picard D, A. Pombo & J.L. Costa, (2016). “Polychaete annelids as live bait in Portugal: harvesting activity in estuarine systems”. Front. Mar. Sci. Conference Abstract: IMMR | International Meeting on Marine Research 2016. doi: 10.3389/conf.FMARS.2016.04.00111.
E. Sá, P. Fonseca e Costa, L.C. Fonseca, A.S. Alves, N. Castro, N., S. Cabral, P. Chainho, J. Canning-Clode, P. Melo, A. Pombo, & J.L. Costa, (2016). “Is bait worms’ importation an introduction vector for non-indigenous species in Portugal?”. Front. Mar. Sci. Conference Abstract: IMMR | International Meeting on Marine Research 2016. doi: 10.3389/conf.FMARS.2016.04.00079.
T.J. Pereira, J. Manique, B. Quintella , N. Castro, P.R. Almeida & J.L. Costa, (2015). “Changes in the fish community structure after the implementation of Marine Protected Areas in the south western coast of Portugal”. Front. Mar. Sci. Conference Abstract: XV European Congress of Ichthyology. doi: 10.3389/conf.fmars.2015.03.00025.
N. Vasco-Rodrigues, S. Mendes, J. Franco, M. Castanheira, N. Castro & P. Maranhão, (2011). “Fish diversity in the Berlengas Natural Reserve (Portugal), a marine protected area”. Ecologi@ 3: 35-43. ISSN: 1647-2829.
Oral Communications
S. Cabral, A. Alves, N. Castro, P. Fidalgo e Costa, E. Sá, L. C. Fonseca, P. Chaínho, J. Canning-Clode, D. Picard, A. Pombo & J.L Costa, (2016). "Polychaete annelids as live bait in Portugal: harvesting activity in estuarine systems". Presented no International Meeting of Marine Resources (IMMR'16), Peniche, Portugal.
T.J. Pereira, J. Manique, B. Quintella, N. Castro, P.R. Almeida & J.L. Costa, (2015). Changes in the fish community structure after the implementation of Marine Protected Areas in the south western coast of Portugal. Presented at the: XV European Congress of Ichthyology, Porto, Portugal.
N. Castro, V. Viegas, F. Romão, S. Pedro, T. Pereira, B. Quintella, P.R. Almeida, J.L. Costa & J. Castro, (2014). "Characterization of catches and fishing activities: Commercial Fishing". Public presentation of the results of the project PROTECT, Odemira, Portugal.
J.L. Costa, P.R. Almeida, B.R. Quintella, J.J. Castro, N. Castro, A. Costa, T. Cruz, T. Pereira & T. Silva, (2014). “Fishing and marine conservation in PNSACV - The project PROTECT” meeting to exchange knowledge in the PNSCAV territory under the XVIII National Meeting of Park Rangers, Odemira, Portugal.
J.L. Costa, P.R. Almeida, H.N. Cabral, N. Castro, M.J. Costa, I. Domingos & T. Pereira, (2014). " The fishes in Mira Estuary” meeting to exchange knowledge in the PNSCAV territory under the XVIII National Meeting of Park Rangers, Odemira, Portugal.
N. Castro, V. Viegas, F. Romão, S. Pedro, T. Pereira, B. Quintella, P.R. Almeida, J.L. Costa & J. Castro, (2014). "Characterization of catches and fishing activities: Commercial Fishing". Public presentation of the results of the project Protect, Sines, Portugal.
S. Pedro, B. Duarte, N. Castro, I. Caçador, P.R. de Almeida & J.L. Costa, (2014). “The Lusitanian Toadfish as biomonitor of estuarine sediment metal burden: the influence of gender and reproductive metabolism”. V Jornadas Ibéricas de Ictiología, Lisbon, Portugal.
J.J. Castro, N. Castro, A. Costa, M.J. Tavares, T. Silva, T.J. Pereira, J. Sertório, A. Fernandes, R. Reis & T. Cruz, (2014). “Assessing ecological effects of marine protection on rocky habitats of a SW Portuguese natural park”. Presented at ECSA Symposium 54, Lisbon, Portugal.
P.R. Almeida, A.F. Belo, J. Castro, N. Castro, T. Cruz, J. Manique, S. Pedro, T. Pereira, B. Quintella & F. Romão, (2013). Project PROTECT: experience in PNSACV. Debate cycle - Oceans. Are marine protected areas effective?why? Lisbon, Portugal.
J.J. Castro, T. Cruz, N. Castro, T.J. Pereira, T. Silva, A. Costa, J. Sertório, A. Fernandes, R. Reis, (2012). "Looking for ecological effects of marine protection in a SW Portuguese natural park", presented at the International Meeting of Marine Resources (IMMR), Peniche, Portugal.
H. Cabral, V. Fonseca, R. Gamito, C. Gonçalves, J.L. Costa, K. Erzini, J. Gonçalves, J. Martins, L. Leite, J.P. Andrade, S. Ramos, A. Bordalo, E. Amorim, J. Neto, J.C. Marques, J.E. Rebelo, C. Silva, N. Castro, P.R. Almeida, I. Domingos, L.S. Gordo, M.J. Costa, (2010). “Estuarine Fish Assessment Index (EFAI): A multimetric tool for the assessment of the ecological status of transitional water”. Presented at the ECSA Symposium 47th, Figueira da Foz, Portugal.
J.L. Costa, G. Silva, J.P. Medeiros, C. Azeda, N. Castro & M.J. Costa, (2010). “What are hiding the waters of the Bay of Seixal? A visit to the world of fish and other aquatic creatures”, Workshop “Meet the Bay”, Portugal. Communication by invitation (Seixal Municipality) Lisbon, Portugal.
S. Mendes, M.J. Fernández-Gómez, N. Rodrigues, N. Castro, J. Franco, F. Castanheira, P. Maranhão, M. P. Galindo-Villardón, (2009). “An application of HJ-biplot analysis to investigate fish assemblage from Berlengas Natural Reserve (Portugal)” Presented at the XII Edición de la Conferencia Española de Biometría, Cádiz, Spain.
N.Castro, (2008). “Structure and feeding ecology of fish communities in a nursery area for commercial species in the central region of Portugal”. IPIMAR Lectures, Portugal. Communication by invitation (Scientific committee of IPIMAR) Lisbon, Portugal.