1- MARE- Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre. Quinta do Lorde, Sítio da Piedade, 9200-044 Caniçal, Madeira, Portugal

Curriculum vitae
2002 - 2005: BSc. in Marine and Freshwater Biology at University of London, Queen Mary and Westfield College.
Advisor: Dr. R.G. Hughes
2001 - 2002 Biological Sciences Foundation at University of Westminster London.
Advisor: Dr. Jane Lewis
2013: Internship at Estação de Biologia Marinha do Funchal (Marine Biology Station of Funchal) in Marine Biological Invasions in the Madeira Island. Impacts, Ecology and the relation to maritime traffic
Advisor: Dr. João Canning-Clode
2008 - 2009 Participant of the International Research Programme GAME (Global Approach by Modular Experiments) by Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR) at University of Kiel, Germany.
GAME VI-Project title: The influence of grazing pressure on the temporal dynamics in the induction of defences in marine macroalgae. Advisor: Dr. Mark Lenz & Dr. Manfred Kaufmann
2007 - 2008 Participant of the International Research Programme GAME (Global Approach by Modular Experiments) by Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR) at University of Kiel, Germany.
GAME V- Project title: Influences of low light stress on the capacity of macroalgae to defend themselves agaisnt herbivores and epibionts. Advisor: Dr. Mark Lenz & Dr. Manfred Kaufmann
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Wischhofstr. 1-3, D-24148 Kiel, Germany
Peer Reviewed:
Ramalhosa, P., I. Gestoso, B. Duarte, I. Caçador & J. Canning-Clode (2019) Metal pollution affects both native and non-indigenous biofouling recruitment in a subtropical island system. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 141, 373-386. DOI:
Riera L, Ramalhosa P, Canning-Clode J, Gestoso I,. (2018). Variability in the settlement of non-indigenous species in benthic communities from an oceanic island. Helgoland Marine Research 72:15 DOI:
Gestoso, I., Ramalhosa, P. and Canning-Clode, J. (2018) Biotic effects during the settlement process of non-indigenous species in marine benthic communities. Aquatic Invasions. Volume 13, Issue 2: 247–259 DOI:
Ramalhosa P, Nebra A, Gestoso I and Canning-Clode J. (2017). First record of the non-indigenous isopods Paracerceis sculpta (Holmes, 1904) and Sphaeroma walkeri Stebbing, 1905 (Isopoda, Sphaeromatidae) for Madeira Island for Madeira Island. Crustaceana. DOI:
Gestoso I, Ramalhosa P, Oliveira P, Canning-Clode J. (2017) Marine protected communities against biological invasions: A case study from an offshore island. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Ramalhosa P, Debus S, Kaufmann M, Lenz M, (2017) A non-native macroalga is less attractive for herbivores but more susceptible to light and grazing stress than a comparable native species. Helgoland Marine Research. 70:25.doi:10.1186/s10152-016-0478-3
Souto, J., Ramalhosa, P. & Canning-Clode, J. (2018). Three non-indigenous species from Madeira harbors, including a new species of Parasmittina (Bryozoa). Marine Biodiversity Volume 48, Issue 2 pp 977-986. doi: 10.1007/s12526-016-0592-0
Ramalhosa P, Souto J, Canning-Clode J, (2017). Diversity of Bugulidae (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) colonizing artificial substrates in the Madeira Archipelago (NE Atlantic Ocean) Helgoland Marine Research, (), 1-20 (DOI:10.1186/s10152-016-0465-8)
Ramalhosa P, & Canning-Clode J, (2015) The invasive caprellid Caprella scaura Templeton, 1836 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae) arrives to Madeira Island, Portugal. BioInvasions Records Volume 4, Issue 2: 97-102
Ramalhosa P, Camacho-Cruz K, Bastida-Zavala R, Canning-Clode J, (2014) First record of Branchiomma bairdi McIntosh, 1885 (Annelida: Sabellidae) from Madeira Island, Portugal (northeastern Atlantic Ocean) BioInvasions Records Volume 3, Issue 4: 235-239
Ramalhosa P, Canning-Clode J, Biscoito M, (2014) First record of Pisa carinimana (Decapoda: Epialtidae) from Madeira Island (Northeastern Atlantic Ocean) BOCAGIANA Museu de História Nacional do Funchal 239: 1-7 ISSN 2183-3141 (online edition)
Canning-Clode J, Ramalhosa P, (2013) Programa de monitorização de espécies marinhas não-indígenas no Arquipélago da Madeira (MAD_MOMIS). II Congresso Internacional " O Desporto e o Mar - Desafios e Oportunidades".
Ramalhosa P, Debus, S.L., Kaufmann, M.,Wahl, M., & Lenz, M. 2008 XV-SIEBM (Simpósio Iberico de Estudos de Biologia Marinha) Poster presentation: The production of defensive secondary metabolites under conditions of environmental stress in the seaweeds Stypopodium zonale (Phaeophyceae) and Grateloupia imbricata (Rhodophyta) against herbivory by sea urchins on Madeira Island.
Ramalhosa P, (2005). The influences of sewage pollution on Nereis diversicolor. BSc Thesis. University of London, Queen Mary and Westfield College.